Jesus Soap-On-A-Rope

Jesus Soap-On-A-Rope

Price: $0.00

Product Description

If cleanliness is next to godliness, you can't get any closer than this 3D Jesus Soap-On-A-Rope in a handsome display case! Light some candles, run a bath and wash your sins away. Another marvelously lifelike rope soap from Bubbletown. Note: Discontinued in 2006 when Bubbletown ceased operation.

If cleanliness is next to godliness, you can't get any closer than this 3D Jesus Soap-On-A-Rope in a handsome display case! Light some candles, run a bath and wash your sins away. Another marvelously lifelike rope soap from Bubbletown. Note: Discontinued in 2006 when Bubbletown ceased operation.

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